Imagine… if you would… that you could see the beauty of the world around you and then lost your sight…

 and you were an artist… Imagine… that you were blind for years and all of a sudden, your sight returned. What would you do? What would you want to see? That really happened and it happened to me. It changed a lot about my life, yet some things in my life stayed the same. I’ve always hungered to experience my world as richly as I could. I’ve always shared. I’ve always been a Storyteller.

All my life, I’ve told my stories through art, way back from the days before computers, before internet, back in those dinosaur days when ‘multi-media’ meant a combination of art, dance, music, theater, spoken word, and performance arts.

I’ve been a dancer, an actor, an activist, a professional journalist and editor, a trainer, a therapist, a consultant, and an executive. I worked for years doing music, art, and dance therapies with a variety of clinical populations, studied many alternative modalities, and developed a practice in creativity enhancement and peak performance for professional performers of many kinds, long before the concept of coaching outside of sports existed.

And all my life, I’d been active in civil rights, human rights, arts and environmental activism, human potential, and natural health & wellness. Those things did not change when I was blind. I just couldn’t ride motorcycles anymore. I was brain-injured and very ill, and so it took years to get back my sight, and to fight my way back to Wellness. Yet even during those years, I remained an artist and an activist, learning to express differently, to live life virtually via talking computers, doing what I could to serve my community online and locally, in the city I lived.

Today, I still deal with residual neurological issues and multiple chemical sensitivities. There are some things, because of that, that are lost to me now. But I’ve found my way to a Paradise; I now live in the Amazon jungle, where the environment’s still clean and the air so oxygen-rich I can live without the supplemental oxygen I was once dependent upon. I can SEE. And I see beauty every day. And each day I AM GRATEFUL.

When I feel well enough to travel, I do, and when I don’t–like many of you, I travel virtually, staying in touch with my world online. I write and I share stories, covering the many topics that have always interested me in my life: Arts and Culture, Inspiration, Love, Peace, Transformation, Wellness, Miracles, Mother Earth, and What’s Happened and What’s Happening in Our World Today.

My mission is to entertain, help educate, inspire, & inform you, choose any one of those, or choose all, and if I can inspire and inform you enough, perhaps you’ll choose to create miracles in your own life, and maybe in the lives of others, too.