This is a story in the pictures and words of one Raul Pizarro, one of the most inspiring people I know. Raul’s not a disabled artist. He’s an ARTIST who happens to be disabled. I first met him at a party of a mutual artist friend just after my sight returned. But I would have FELT him, even if I were still blind. His energy is so powerful, beautiful and bright, he is one of those rare people in our world who brings magic. And if you’re in Southern California, you can meet him too: on May 5, 2018, he’ll be at the opening of his new show Feral Awakening at the Flower-Pepper Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
‘This feral awakening is about finding intrinsic value, connectedness and finding truth in love. Learning to love the bodies we’re in, unearthing the sacred in everything around us and finally being able to reemerge into a life that embraces the path we each must travel.’ ~~Raul Pizarro
I could tell you about Raul myself, how I admire him, he’s unusual in so many ways and one is how very articulate he is. So I’ll let you meet Raul–in his own words. He shares his life on his Facebook page, where I get to keep up with my friends since I’ve left the USA. His ‘about’ as of May 2018:
‘Painter, sculptor, wanderer, fan of pastries. I’m currently known for creating enlightened beasts.’
From his artist statement for his new show Feral Awakenings: ‘I grew up very introverted especially in public spaces. My body was visibly different due to neuro-muscular disease which made me very thin and caused me to walk strangely. Odd stares, whisperings and being “othered,” made connecting with others very challenging as a child. For the longest time I didn’t realize my brain was wired from flawed ideas from those early years in my life. These paintings are about those moments where many of those faulted truths started to crumble and the awakening that ensued…’

I’ve seen so many beautiful paintings by Raul Pizarro, they are all quite wonderful, and they’re not all bears.

Corazón Libre (A Free Heart)
Raul has kept working and painting no matter what his challenges. He’s an artist who SELLS, not because of his disability, but because of his talent, and his works are so charming, everyone loves them. And him.

In 2014, Univision heard about Raul and made a documentary about him. It was nominated for an Emmy award. Here, he and his friend, Aleckx Bohdi exuberant over an invite to the Emmy Awards! Aleckx is a great friend indeed. Hiking? No problem! Over the years, Alecksx has been known to put Raul in a backpack frame and take him hiking to some beautiful inspiring places!

In 2016, Raul’s friends, family, and fans set up successful GoFundMe campaign to get him a van he could travel in!

I can’t wait to finally just roll into a vehicle without difficult transferring or the fear of my huge chair falling on whoever is loading it in. You guys are the best, truly.’ ~Raul Pizarro, April, 2016
In 2015, when Raul shared this painting, he wrote:’“It’s when we fly cautiously through the night, blindly following songs that lull our universe and the way we survive. Songs about hunger and love and the marriage of both. It’s the human surrendering to the peaceful beast in our blood. The unmasking of whirling waters that finally lay still revealing both refection and depths. That’s the truth at midnight… An old part of me wanted to post a different picture that didn’t show how emaciated my arm is, the old part of me that would only wear long sleeves to mask my reality but hiding any part of who I am isn’t an option anymore. Live loudly even in the stillness of midnight. This is a part of my journey emaciated and weak but still going and grateful.” ~Raul Pizarro, Jan 2015

Raul worked any way he could: ‘When areas were unreachable I laid it on the ground and worked on the corners my arms could reach. Other times I hung it upside down and sometimes I’d climb onto my taller wheelchair, hit the tilt switch on the chair and gain a bit of height to reach areas that I couldn’t reach from the office chair. It was a beautiful struggle.’ Then, in 2016, some engineers at northrop-grumman’s FABLAB reached out their helping hands to make his work just a little easier.

I told you he doesn’t always paint bears. But he is always full of love and inspiring!

He paint large and he paints small. But even the small ones are so big, full of life, and a joy!

for joy and peace before the fall
He peaked into burrows for friends and laughter
but he found nests for snow that would soon come after
He collected trinkets along the way and stored them in jars
until the night he found that all he was seeking lived in the stars’
‘Small painting I made on the anniversary of still being here many years past expectations. Love spinning on this planet with life shining all around. ’ ~Raul Pizarro, Nov 2015
I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting my friend Raul Pizarro! I LOVE you Raul Pizarro! wish I could be there but my wings can’t fly that far.
If you’re in Southern California–do take the opportunity of meeting him at his OPENING Saturday May 5th: Feral Awakening at the Flower-Pepper Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

This painting is titled The Truth Of Love. It’s about learning that love isn’t something that can be captured and owned but finding the beauty and peace in someone’s or something’s truth.’ ~Raul Pizarro, May 2018
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